Intended Impact
Clarify the change you want to achieve to address a societal problem at scale
The ‘core’ refers to the set of essential features or ‘ingredients’ that you need to scale in order to meet your intended impact (or the change you want to achieve).
To scale-up through working with others, be that your team, partners or wider stakeholders, you will need to define your core clearly. Think of it as a recipe that others can use to deliver your solution at scale and achieve the same results.
This tool will help you design your core by equipping you with a recipe for impact at scale.
Watch the video case study below to understand how CHDC have applied this tool in practice
To work on the tool worksheet, follow these steps:
Make a copy to your own Google Drive folder: click file > make a copy > entire presentation > select your personal drive folder, OR
Download a copy to your desktop: click file > download > Microsoft Word (or other file type)